Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Angry red birds

Good morning! Happy day After Halloween otherwise known as All Saints Day... We had our usual cadre of ghosts, wonder women, and ninjas. The neighborhood is safe for years to come with this eclectic group of kids. I am still not sure what an "angry red bird" is, but he looks fierce.

This morning, I got two angry calls from two guys who at times can be construed as 'birds'. First call: it was dad very upset, hostile, and calling everyone 'idiots'. Second call: from an incensed college baseball player who also called everyone 'idiots'. Keep in mind, I did not have the coffee yet to process who were and still are 'idiots'....and now that I have had a full day's worth of caffeine, I will share the story with you....

The term 'idiot' in the BP mom household can have a number of meanings. For example, an 'idiot' can be the person who is driving unsafely behind a BP mom car and is basically in the trunk rather than at a safe distance. An 'idiot' can be the bank who charges an extra fee for a person to take their own money out through a ATM. Further, an idiot can be a person who gives you a bad hair cut with crazy bangs. Lastly, an idiot can be the poor clerk who puts the eggs at the bottom rather than at the top of the grocery bag.

I, personally, have been an idiot on more than a number of occasions. OK, let's be real, I do something idiotic every day and my ego will only allow me to share one or two. Once, I dropped Buddy off at a birthday party a day early....that was pretty stupid. Another incident was when I tried to show off my culinary skills as a teenager and heat Chunky soup up and pour it on noodles and call it "noodle surprise." My boyfriend at the time ate the whole thing and wanted more. In hindsight, he was either very nice or hungry. I should have married him...oh, wait....I did. To this day, I have never served noodle surprise again. The last incident occurred when the school bus did not come for Tink in the morning, so I called the bus company to pick her up. She insisted that she did not have school, but I knew better....lo and behold, once she was on the bus, I looked at the schedule again and she indeed did not have school. After searching for her over an hour, she was returned to the house safe and unscathed. On the other hand, I was a blithering mess because I did not listen to my child and knew better.....uh huh...

Back to other idiots who do not live in my body....dad called in a state..."those idiots have ruined his arm..." Five minutes later, Buddy called: "Those idiots ruined my arm!" The story is as follows: Buddy has been lifting weights in an attempt to build muscle. However, the trainer is not aware of the special weight training techniques used by pitchers and one size does not fit all. Buddy, as a quiet kid and not wanting to ruffle feathers, followed the graduate student's advice and aggravated his arm.

Also, as fall ball was ending, he threw two days in a row without proper warm up and stretching...therefore, he now has pain when he pitches. From the sound of the symptoms, I think that he has tendonitis and needs to be seen by someone other than a 22 year old grad student who has a B minus in his major...perhaps someone who has earned through years of education and training, a "MD" or "DO" after his or her name.

And so, calm as I was ('cause I am BP mom and it does not do anyone any good for me to lose my cool), gave Buddy a deadline: "You have until 4p this afternoon for a college related plan of action. Your coach or trainer is to schedule a MRI or appointment with the orthopedic specialist OR I am coming to campus." This was a promise, not a threat. No one, not the coach, trainer, or surgeon want me on campus, 'cause when pushed, I can be formidable. No one messes with my kid's head or arm and potential livelihood at this stage in his career. Remember when he was hit in the head by a line drive and the doctor said that he was fine and did not need any further tests? Yes, that was the year that the actress died after falling on her skis and did not report her headache. I was not going to go in that direction. And so, I took him for an emergency CAT scan and had to pay the bill since I went over the head of the doctor. At least I knew that his head was harder than I thought....

With that said, I just received another call from the big leftie....he also remembers the blow to the head and how the doctor was nonchalant about the injury. Therefore, I suggested that he speaks to his uncle who is an orthopedic surgeon to develop a plan of action to present to the physician. At least, he will have an idea of what is needed and can mention that he has conferred with his uncle. And now, we wait until late this afternoon for word on diagnosis and treatment. I will be wary of recommendations and will do my own collaboration with local experts on the matter. He may need some physical therapy, ice, or rest....whatever it is, I am on top of it....yep, I can be one angry red bird too....just don't ruffle my feathers....

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